In case you missed it, Comcast — waiting on a FCC thumbs up for a $45 billion Time Warner acquisition — has been slapped with a $20 billion (yes, billion) racial discrimination lawsuit with Rev. Al Sharpton getting caught in the net, too. Media mogul Byron Allen, one of the plaintiffs, unleashed some scathing remarks about the defendants.
byron_allen“Al Sharpton is not important,” Allen told Brian Stelter on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday. (He really goes all the way off in this interview. Wow.) “He’s nothing more than a Black pawn in a very sophisticated white economic chess game. He’s being used by his white masters at Comcast and AT&T.”
Allen’s Entertainment Studios, along with the National Association of African-American Owned Media, is accusing Sharpton — an employee of NBC Universal, which was purchased by Comcast — of masking the media conglomerate’s diversity issues in exchange for lavish donations and an anchored position as a host for the company.

The lawsuit, as we mentioned before, alleges that Comcast paid Sharpton and the National Action Network $3.8 million to entice the civil rights activist to endorse Comcast’s acquisition of NBC and stay mum about the company’s alleged discriminatory schemes.
Al Sharpton1“Comcast has, in essence, created a ‘Jim Crow’ process with respect to licensing channels from 100 percent African American–owned media,” the suit reads, according to The Huffington Post. “Comcast has reserved a few spaces for 100 percent African American–owned media in the ‘back of the bus’ while the rest of the bus is occupied by white-owned media companies.”
Allen, continuing his censure on CNN, added, “What we have to do is get the corporations to understand you must include African-American-owned media. We have to stop the financial genocide against the black community.”
The 53-year-old comedian/producer didn’t stop there. In an interview with the Daily Caller, Allen continued to rip Sharpton a new one by poking fun at his on-air articulation, insinuating that he only still has a job at MSNBC because of his alleged deal with Comcast.
“Why is Sharpton on TV every night on MSNBC? Because he endorsed Comcast’s acquisition of NBC Universal… Next thing you know we’re watching him on television trying to form a sentence. Every night we have the privilege of watching adult illiteracy,” he said.
“He’s not even bright enough to know he’s on the chess board and he’s being used by his white masters at Comcast,” Allen added.
The lawsuit’s plaintiffs also filed a $10 billion lawsuit against AT&T, which is now looking to acquire DirectTV for $67 billion and reportedly was Sharpton’s biggest 60th birthday sponsor, according to the Daily Caller.
“It’s cheaper to give Al Sharpton money than it is to do business with real African-American-owned media,” Allen said.

This article appears is Madame Noire

One Response

  1. C. Cowens

    The business of entertainment seems like a cruel and insane business. Reminds me of that James Bond movie where the villain wanted to control all of the information that went out on any form of media. We are going to get caught up in it, we African Americans don’t have that kind of power (rule the world kind of power) to put good people in the right places so that equity and equality are really measurable. Which boils down to seeing Rev Sharpton yelling his words and sentences at the screen/camera in an attempt to portray a professional anchor/etc when you have all of these folks out there that have true training in how to speak on the boob tube and all I could think was HOW DID HE GET THAT JOB? I stopped watching MSNBC afternoons. Yea for giving him a chance, we are well passed that point now. What a harsh business for the good guys! And the villain in the Bond movie, 007 sank his boat! Best wishes to anyone trying hard in this business.