Rick Nuhn, host of the syndicated weekend show Top 10 Now & Then has a new holiday spin-off, “We have created the “Old School 500 Countdown” that is pretty awesome, featuring the 500 greatest Old School songs, including over 450 interview clips with the artists who recorded the music. Its 45 hours of superb programming, perfect for Christmas leading up to the New Year, the Thanksgiving Weekend, or really any holiday or weekend you wanted to create appointment listening, says Nuhn.

“The Old School 500 Countdown is built to generate revenue with 12 minutes available each hour for the station to sell. Our national sponsor will only take 2 additional minutes per hour.”

Nuhn adds, “the concept, the mix of music, and the overall quality of the Old School 500 Countdown, make it the perfect way to close out the year, maybe even give your full timers a couple of days off !! It will even give PD’s a lighter load on Selector over the holidays:->).”

Take a listen to the demo and scoped sample hour at  http://bit.ly/OldSchool500Demo then contact Rick Nuhn at [email protected] to clear the show.

Remember, it’s not to early to be ready for the Holidays!